Zhee Showroom meticulously curates superior antique carpets and extraordinary pieces through extensive nationwide travels, ensuring uncompromising quality. We are not just purveyors of the past; we actively embrace the future by fostering collaborations with emerging artists. Our mission extends beyond showcasing vintage craftsmanship, we are a vibrant platform for contemporary art, propelling young talent onto the global stage.

War rug exhibition

The School of Religion, Theology, and Peace Studies at Trinity College Dublin is pleased to
present ‘The Aesthetics of Chaos’: A Visual
Introduction of Women’s Narratives in Afghan
War Rug Artistry, in collaboration with Iranian rug
expert and collector Saman Khodayarifard.

Open to the public, free entry: 11-24 May Mon-Fri: 10am-7pm, Sat: 10am-4pm (closed on Sundays)

The exhibition features 21 pieces of war rugs from
Afghanistan – all of which will be available for the
public to view in Dublin for the first time.


Carpet news